Club of International Friendship

Club of International Friendship operates as a structural unit of Overseas Students Training Faculty of VSMU, it is headed by Dean of OSTF. The Club is located at the international hostel of VSMU number 1 at the address Pobedy Avenue 5/1. Direct regulation of the work of Club of International Friendship is provided by Deputy Dean of OSTF on social and international work.

Functions and responsibilities of Club of International Friendship:

Club of International Friendship of VSMU1. providing conditions for the development and maintenance of international friendship between foreign and Byelorussian students of VSMU;

2. maintenance of close cooperation between Byelorussian representatives of the Trade Union Committee of VSMU students, Belarusian Republican Youth Union, VSMU students club and VSMU students sports club with foreign students when participating in joint events;

3. organization of social, psychological, communicative adaptation both of arriving new-comers and studying foreign students;

4. provision and coordination of informational work with foreign students on educational, cultural, sports and health and other aspects of VSMU students’ life, this work must be done by Chairmen and Deputies Chairmen of Counsels of fraternities of different countries;

5. organization of joint leisure activities for foreign and Byelorussian students at the extracurricular time and during holidays;

6. organizing of meetings, conversations, contests, different discussions of foreign and Byelorussian students on cultural, interethnic and international problems;Club of International Friendship of VSMU

7. provision of a place for foreign and Byelorussian students’ planning of social events (charity events and concerts, visits to Vitebsk and Vitebsk region orphanages, etc.);

8. organization of international holidays, Days of fraternities, exhibitions of fraternities, cultural activities related to meetings of ambassadors of foreign countries with the involvement of foreign and Byelorussian students. 

Activities of Club of International Friendship are regulated with Statutes of Club of International Friendship and are conducted according to the plan approved by Vice-rector of Educational Work and Foreign Affairs of VSMU.





The ceremony of admission of new-comers - Welcome, first year student!

All the formalities have been passed: these were the completion of paperwork, the long way from the warm family home to the distant unknown Belarus... You are a student now! So what does it mean? Overseas students must get used and adapt to many new things: people, weather, language and lifestyle of Belarus, studies at the university, etc. In order to help them we have organized international event "The ceremony of admission of new-comers - Welcome, first year student!” on the 25th of October, 2013 in the school hall of the Hostel of VSMU number 2. The event begun with solemn sounding of anthem of VSMU, after it Dean of OSTF Pristupa V.V. gave the commencement address. Then our new students received Information leaflets “Rights and obligations of an overseas student” in Russian and English languages. Students also have seen small films about Belarus and about VSMU. After it the concert part of our event began: students from sunny countries (Sri-Lanka, Ghana, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, Lebanon, Syria) greeted new-comers with lively songs, dances, sketches, showing in this way that they are consociated. Then there were cheerful contests and of course friendship has won. At the end of the meeting senior and junior students were offered tidbits of cakes and were given opportunity to make a real international disco.
I think that the events like this contribute to better adaptation of newly arrived students and strengthening of international friendship between students from different countries who study at the Overseas Students Training Faculty.

Deputy Dean of the Overseas Students
Training Faculty     Senkovich M.A.