Sports Hall Grand Opening at VSMU

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On November 1, 2021, on VSMU birthday , there was a grand opening of a beautiful, large, bright sports hall of the university equipped with modern facilities after the reconstruction. The Vice-rector for Educational and Ideological Affairs Natalia Gennadievna Boltrushevich handed over the symbolic key to the captains of the university student teams. At the end of this event, the match between “Sparta” and “Tarantula” teams was played, thereby having opened the series of games of the VSMU Mini-Football League. 

Read more: Sports Hall Grand Opening at VSMU

VI Forum of Youth Scientific Societies within the framework of the XXI International Conference for Students and Young Scientists “Student Medical Science of the XXI century”


On October 27, 2021, the VI Forum of Youth Scientific Societies was held within the framework of the XXI International Conference for Students and Young Scientists “Student Medical Science of the XXI Century”. The Forum was traditionally organized by the Council of Young Scientists and the Council of the Student Scientific Society of Vitebsk State Medical University.

The event was held online this year. Special attention was paid to the implementation of the concept called “University 3.0”, as well as to the work of youth scientific organizations. After the solemn opening of the Forum, reports of young scientists from universities of Belarus and Russia were presented. 

Read more: VI Forum of Youth Scientific Societies within the framework of the XXI International Conference...

VSMU online forum "Relevant and Reliable Information About COVID-19"

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Vitebsk State Medical University launches an online forum dedicated to the clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of COVID-19 from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. Login link is 

The resource is intended both to provide methodological assistance to practical specialists (including students who provide assistance to the health care of the region), and to satisfy the curiosity of students and staff of VSMU, eliminate doubts, refute harmful myths, increase our professionalism, strengthen self-confidence and joint victory over pandemic COVID-19.

The forum is expected to contain the following sections:

Read more: VSMU online forum "Relevant and Reliable Information About COVID-19"

Visit of the Vice Chancellor for International Students Programme and International Relations of Volgograd State Medical University to VSMU

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On September 29, 2021, representatives of the university met with the Vice Chancellor for International Students Programme and International Relations of Volgograd State Medical University Natalia Aleksandrovna Alshuk. 

During the visit to the university, N.A. Alshuk got acquainted with the organization of the educational process of VSMU, the material and technical base, visited the departments of clinical microbiology, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, as well as the anatomical museum and electronic library.

Read more: Visit of the Vice Chancellor for International Students Programme and International Relations of...

Alok Ranjan Jha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Belarus, visited VSMU

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On September 28, 2021 Alok Ranjan Jha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Republic of Belarus visited Vitebsk State Medical University in order to get acquainted with the educational and scientific potential of the university. 

Read more: Alok Ranjan Jha, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the...