Studying Pediatrics by the 4th-year Students of the Overseas Students Training Faculty

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At the Pediatric Faculty, students of the Overseas Students Training Faculty are studying Pediatrics in the 4th year. In the spring semester, classes are devoted to childhood diseases.

On March 23, students of the 50th group visited a specialized orphanage, where one of the clinical bases of the Pediatric Faculty is located. During the lesson, the students got acquainted with the peculiarities of the work of the orphanage, visited groups of children of different ages, talked to the kids, who were glad to meet the guests.

Dean of the Pediatric Faculty E.G. Asiryan together with the Head of the Chair of Pediatrics No.1 E.G. Kosenkova taught students the peculiarities of caring for children of different ages, for babies who have different developmental characteristics, introduced them to the methods of rehabilitation of children with central nervous system diseases.

During the lesson, students received not only new knowledge, but also understood what qualities a future pediatrician should have, how important it is to be able to sympathize with little patients, to be able to take care of them, to give them warmth and love.

Read more: Studying Pediatrics by the 4th-year Students of the Overseas Students Training Faculty

Miss Grace International 

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On 17 March 2022, a truly spring competition of national cultures, creativity and beauty “Grace International” took place. Eight beautiful girls from different countries fought for the "Miss Grace International" title. The competition consisted of three parts: presentation of the gastronomic culture of the native country, a creative number and oratory. In addition to main stages, the girls had to parade in front of the jury in national costumes.

Read more: Miss Grace International 

Opening of an exhibition of photographs “Above the City”

rednenko vistavka 01On 15 March 2022, the Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus, our university hosted the opening of an exhibition of photographs “Above the City” by Anton Viktorovich Rednenko, assistant of the Department of Infectious Diseases with the course of FAT and SR. This event was attended by the academic staff and students of VSMU, guests, parents of the author of photos. The photographs were taken through aerial photography. The exhibition was also attended by Arthur Levin, the head of the photography company.

Read more: Opening of an exhibition of photographs “Above the City”

Participation of International Students in the Republican Festival “FEST-ART.BY-2021”

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In the period from January to December 2021, there was a Republican creativity festival of foreign students of higher educational establishments called “FEST-ART.BY-2021”. 

Within the framework of the festival, there were numerous international events such as a republican interactive exposition, an art event competition, a video essay project, a video competition and others. 

VSMU students of the Overseas Students Training Faculty took part in the republican video competition titled “ART DIGEST – TIME OF OPPORTUNITIES”. The Sri Lankan group MixFeeds, headed by the 6th-year student Vidhi Chand, presented videos of their national dances, whereas a 4th-year student Randeniya Devin Chandula Felishion performed a video with the song “Wicked Game”.

Read more: Participation of International Students in the Republican Festival “FEST-ART.BY-2021”