Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Konevalova Natalia Yurievna

KonevalovaNYDepartment: Rectorate
Position: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic Rank: Professor

Natalia Yurievna Konevalova was born in April 26, 1954 in a small town Vidzy, Braslav district, Vitebsk region. In 1972 she entered Vitebsk State Medical Institute and later graduated from it with honors. Being a student she got involved into research and continued her scientific activity during postgraduate studies. The subject of her academic interest is cholestorolopathy. In 1987 she defended a thesis and obtained the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 1994 further studies of cholesterolopathy resulted in the defense of a thesis and obtaining the Degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences.

N.Y. Konevalova’s professional career at VSMU started from the post of a senior laboratory assistant at the Chair of Biochemistry, then - an associate professor, after that a professor, then - the Dean of the Medical Faculty and now a Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and International Relations.

N.Y. Konevalova is the author of about 500 research papers, 6 deposited manuscripts, 5 patent manuals. Professor N.Y Konevalova’s research results are implemented into practical health service institutions.
N.Y. Konevalova is the author of textbooks and manuals in biochemistry as well as monographs.

Professor N.Y. Konevalova is the founder and leader of scientific and pedagogical school "Lipidtransport blood system in cholesterolopathies". Under the guidance of Professor N.Y. Konevalova 9 Canditates of Sciences and 1 Doctor of Sciences defended their theses. Every year the students supervised by the Professor become winners in the republican scientific contests.

N.Y. Konevalova pays much attention to the improvement of the system of higher and postgraduate medical education. She is the founder of the laboratory on the problems of higher medical education, and an international expert in the field of education and science.

For the contribution to the development of medical science and the training of specialists in the field of health protection N.Y. Konevalova was awarded as "Excellent Worker of Health Service of the Republic of Belarus", "Excellent Worker in Educational System of the Republic of Belarus", she was also awarded Diplomas of the Ministry of Health Service and Ministry of Education, local authorities, the University and Trade Unions; she received a personal allowance of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

She was awarded an honorable title "Person of the Year of Vitebsk - 2012".

In 2014 in accordance with the Presidential Decree N.Y. Konevalova was awarded a medal "For Labor Merits".

The major stages of life and activity:

  • 1954 04.26 – date of birth, urban-type settlement Vidzy, Braslav district, Vitebsk region.
  • 1971 - 1972 - work as a librarian at the Central City Library n.a. Gorky (Vitebsk).
  • 1972 - 1978 - studying at Vitebsk State Medical Institute at the Medical Faculty.
  • 1978 - 1984 – work a senior laboratory assistant at the Chair Biochemistry of Vitebsk State Medical Institute.
  • 1984 - 1987 – a post-graduate student at the Chair of Biochemistry of Vitebsk State Medical Institute.
  • 1987 – defense of a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic "The esterification of cholesterol in blood plasma in case of liver damage and its subsequent restoration" (Supervisor: A.A. Chirkin, State Prize Laureate of BSSR, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor).
  • 1987 - 1990 – an assistant at the Chair of Biochemistry of Vitebsk State Medical Institute.
  • 1990 - 1994 – an Associate Professor, Chair of Biochemistry of Vitebsk State Medical Institute.
  • 1994 – defense of a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences on the theme "The reactivity of the lipidtransport blood system in holesterolopathies" (scientific consultant: A.A. Chirkin, State Prize Laureate of BSSR, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor ).
  • 1994 - 1997 – Professor at the Chair of Biochemistry of Vitebsk State Medical Institute.
  • 1997 - 2005 - Dean of the Medical Faculty of Vitebsk State Medical Institute; Professor of the Chair of Biochemistry (since 2001 - the State Higher Educational Establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University").
  • 1999 – awarding "Excellent Worker of Health Service of Belarus"
  • 2000 – awarding "Vydatnіk adukatsyі Respubliki Belarus".
  • 2002 - 2005 - studying at the Faculty of Advanced Training at "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University", speciality "Professional Instruction".
  • 2002 - 2007 - Head of the Chair of General and Clinical Biochemistry of "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University."
  • 2006 – awarding the medal "For merits in development of VSMU."
  • 2008 – awarding a Certificate of Merit by the Ministry of Health Service.
  • 2005 - to the present time – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and International Relations at "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University."
  • 2013 - "Person of the Year of Vitebsk - 2012" in the category "Education, Science".
  • 2014 – awarding the medal "For Labor Merits".

The list of theses supervised by N.Y. Konevalova:

Doctoral thesis:

  1. Osochuk, S.S. The role of high-density lipoproteins in the reactivity lipidtransport blood system in the development of infectious inflammatory processes: eksperim.-clinical. research: thesis. ... Dr. Med. Sciences: 14.00.10; 03.00.04 / S.S. Osochuk; Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical Univ. - Vitebsk, 2006. - 408 p.

Candidate's thesis:

  1. Al Doays Mohamed. Age aspects of the reactivity of lipidtransport blood system in healthy persons and in patients with ischemic heart disease: theses ... Cand. Of Biol. Sciences: 03.00.04 / Al Doays Mohamed; Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical Univ. - Vitebsk, 2002. - 130 p.
  2. Alholani A.A.Z. The peculiarities of etiology and pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of urolithiasis in the Republic of Yemen and in the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region: thesis ... Cand. of Med. Sciences: 14.00.40 / Alholani Abualgeyt Ali Zeid; Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical Univ. - Vitebsk, 2005. - 125 p.
  3. Gidranovich, A.V. Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism indices in the assessment of the risk of tumor progression in female patients with breast cancer: thesis. ... Cand. of Med. Sciences: 14.01.12, 03.01.04 / A.V. Gidranovich; SE "Rep. Scientific and Practical Oncology Center and Med. Radiology n.a. N.N. Alexandrov" - Minsk, 2013.
  4. Kozlovskaya, S.P. The correction of disorders of direct and reverse cholesterol transport in patients with cardiovascular disease: thesis ... Cand. of Med. Sciences: 14.00.06, 03.00.04 / S.P. Kozlovskaya; Bel. Institute of Cardiology. - Minsk, 1998.
  5. Samara, M.A I. The state of protein and lipid metabolism in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: thesis ... Cand. of Med. Sciences: 14.00.40, 03.00.04 / M.A .I. Samara; Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical Univ. - Vitebsk, 2008. - 115 p.
  6. Telepneva, E.Y. The state of cholesterol transport of in blood in patients with different genesis hypocholesterolemia: thesis. ... Cand. of Biol. Sciences: 03.00.04 / E.Y. Telepneva; Min. of Health of the Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk State Medical Univ. - Minsk, 2010. - 117 p.
  7. Fomchenko, G.N. The system of cholesterol esterification in blood in disalphalipoproteinemia: thesis ... Cand. of Biol. Sciences: 03.00.04 / G.N. Fomchenko; Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical Univ. -Vitebsk, 2004. - 171 p.
  8. Chigareva N.I. The correction of dislipoproteinemia type IV by means of belosorb P in patients with arterial hypertension II degree: thesis ... Cand. of Med Sciences: 14.00.06 / N.I. Chigareva; Vitebsk State Med. Univ. - Vitebsk, 2003. - 116 p.
  9. Yadroytseva, I.A. Direct and reverse cholesterol transport in hyperlipoproteinemia: thesis ... Cand. of Biol. Sciences: 03.00.04. / I.A .Yadroytseva; Vitebsk State Med. Univ. - Vitebsk, 2004. - 154 p