Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University
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Shchupakova Alina Nikolaevna

dean SchupakovaANDepartment: Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining
Position: Dean
Academic degree: Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academic Rank: Professor

Shchupakova Alina Nikolaevna, a Belarusian. In 1987 she graduated from Vitebsk State Medical Institute, General Medicine Faculty. From 1984 to 1987 she worked as a nurse at the cardiology department of Vitebsk regional clinical hospital. In 1988 she assumed the post of a district therapist at an outpatient department n.a. Kalinin in Vitebsk. In 1991-1993 she studied in clinical residency at the Propaedeutics Chair of Internal Diseases of Vitebsk State Medical Institute specializing in internal medicine. Alina Nikolaevna has been working at the University since 1993: at first, as an assistant of the Chair of Polyclinic Therapy, since 1996 - as an assistant of the Chair of Hospital Therapy, then as an associate professor, and since 2008 – as a professor of the Chair of Hospital Therapy. From 2004 to 2014 she had been the Deputy Dean of the General Medicine Faculty, VSMU. Since 2014 to the present time she has been the Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining, VSMU.

In 1998 she defended the thesis “Clinical and diagnostic importance of abdominal aortic atherosclerosis and unpaired visceral arteries in patients with gastroduodenal ulcers”, and obtained the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in a specialty 14.00.05 ” Internal diseases”.

In 2008 she defended her thesis "Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the abdominal cavity: the variance of local and systemic metabolic and topical manifestation with the assessment of normobaric hypoxic therapy" and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in specialty 14.00.05 “Internal diseases”. In 2011 by the Resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus she was awarded the academic rank Professor.

In 2007 she graduated with honors the Faculty of Advanced Training in Pedagogics and Psychology of the educational establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University".

She is the head of TSCC on the basis of "Vitebsk State Medical University Clinic".

Alina Nikolaevna has been involved into scientific work her being a student. She is the author of 172 publications, including 1 monograph, 62 scientific articles, 7 textbooks, 2 lecture courses.

Within the framework of the state program of fundamental research "Regulation and pathogenesis," she carried out the research "Etiopathogenic peculiarities of atherosclerosis of abdominal arteries". She obtained priority data scientifically justifying the significance of combined criteria for the diagnosis and prognosis of atherosclerosis of abdominal arteries in patients with chronic abdominal ischemia, based on ultrasound diagnostic criteria; lipid composition of the blood indicators; C-reactive protein level; fibrinogen and adhesion molecules sVCAM-1. Materials for the diagnosis, prognosis assessment of atherosclerosis of abdominal arteries and chronic abdominal ischemia, obliterating atherosclerotic of abdominal arteries were the basis of five method instructions and an invention patent.

Under her supervision one PhD thesis and one Master's thesis were defended.

She delivers classes at General Medicine Faculty (a lecture course in Internal Medicine, university course "Clinical ultrasound diagnostics", elective course "Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the internal organs." He teaches internal medicine, clinical ultrasound diagnostics five and six year students of General Medicine Faculty.

She is a therapist of the highest qualification category, she carries out medical advisory activity on the basis of the cardiological department at "Vitebsk Regional Clinical Hospital."

Alina Nikolaevna was awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the educational establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University”, and in 2009 she was awarded the title "Excellent Worker of Health Service" by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.