On December 21, 2023, at the military department of VSMU, a meeting of members of the military-patriotic Club “Serving the Fatherland” and the participants in a military-patriotic song concert-competition chaired by the head of the military department Igor Lyatos was held. The meeting was attended by the Vice-Rector for Educational Work Natalya Boltrushevich and the Vice-Rector for Security, Regime and Personnel Nikolai Dorofeev, who gave a positive assessment of the competition and noted the high level of performers and organization of the competition. In a friendly atmosphere, those gathered discussed the event and expressed their opinions and wishes for its future holding.
And as a surprise, the lead singer of the group “Arrhythmia” Artur Medvedev performed the song “Fastidious Horses”. The meeting participants warmly supported the performer and suggested holding a creative evening in the near future dedicated to the life of the poet, singer and composer Vladimir Vysotsky.