Extension of access to electronic information resources

prodlen dostupaThe Library notifies you of the renewal of your subscription to electronic resources for 2024.

In 2024, the library can access the following databases via subscription:

  • Wiley Online Library (medical journals) and Cochrane Library - by IP address and institutional password for access from home.
  • EBS “Student Consultant” and “Doctor Consultant” - after registration from the university’s IP address.
  • Collections “Higher School” and “New Knowledge” on the EBS “Lan” platform - after registration indicating the institution.
  • eLibrary (12 medical journals) – after registration from the university’s IP addresses (the subscription is assigned to the account within 3 days).

In addition to subscription, you can use:

  • Network electronic library on the EBS “Lan” platform,
  • Large medical library on the EBS “Bookup” platform,
  • Electronic medical library RNML from library computers,
  • books from the “Legendary Books” collection on the Urayt platform,
  • database of full-text news publications from news agencies polpred.com
  • and legal information databases “Etalon” and “Business Info”.

For registration and access to electronic resources, please contact the reference and bibliographic services room (Medical Library building, 3rd floor, room 303)