On January 12, 2024, a reporting and election conference of the VSMU student council took place in the conference hall of the main academic building.
During the event, the VSMU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Natalya Konevalova presented gratitude to students who showed active participation in the public life of the university at the end of 2023. A report on the activities of the VSMU student council based on the results of 2023 was presented by the chairman of the student council, Maxim Budnitsky.
A vote took place, as a result of which Polina Denisyonok was elected to the post of chairman of the VSMU student council; Yulia Sokolova and Alexandra Kachanovich were re-elected as deputy chairpersons of the student council, Alina Yakush was elected secretary, and Anna Yakubyak was elected press secretary.
As part of the event, an open dialogue was held with the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Organizational and Legal Work of VSMU Denis Lits.