On January 25, a plenary meeting of the 79th scientific session of the university at the educational establishment “Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” was held.
Vice-Rector of Scientific Work Elena Asiryan delivered a welcoming speech and congratulations on the Day of Belarusian Science and the 105th anniversary of healthcare of the Republic of Belarus.
Reports were heard on the results of scientific research: “The effectiveness of intradermal and sublingual-oral allergen-specific immunotherapy for household bronchial asthma in real clinical practice” by Elena Sidorenko, a Senior Lecturer at the Chair of General Medicine; “Evolution of surgery for purulent-inflammatory diseases of the spine in the Vitebsk region” by Artem Kornilov, an Associate Professor of the Chair of Hospital Surgery with the course of FAT and SR; “Automyeloaspirates, powerful stimulators of wound healing” by Sergey Fedyanin, an Associate Professor of the Chair of Hospital Surgery with a course of FAT and SR.