Novikova Valentina Ivanovna passed away

Novikova VI19/04/2024, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valentina Ivanovna Novikova, head of the Department of Pediatrics AR and PR (until November 2023) of the educational establishment“Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University” died.

Valentina Ivanovna Novikova was born in Khotynets, Orel region, in 1946. In 1964, she entered Vitebsk State Medical Institute and graduated in 1970. From 1972 to 1974 she was trained in clinical residency at the Department of Pediatrics of VSMI. In 1978, V.I. Novikova successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences "Cell-mediated mechanisms of pathogenesis of chronic pneumonia in children", and established the presence of cell-mediated allergic reactions to bacterial antigens, drugs and lung antigen. She worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Pediatrics. In 1985, V.I. Novikova brilliantly defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences "Immunological bases of pathogenesis and treatment of purulent-septic diseases in newborns and infants", devoted to the study of immune status in newborn children. In 1991, after the reorganization of the departments, Professor Valentina Ivanovna Novikova became the head of the united team and remained the head until November 2023.

V.I. Novikova was the founder of the scientific and pedagogical school "Pediatrics". The basis for the creation of the scientific school was the need to introduce the achievements of experimental and theoretical immunology and allergology in the practice of pediatric health care

Under the guidance of Prof. V.I. Novikova 3 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and 7 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences were defended.

Professor V.I. Novikova gave lectures, conducted classes with pediatricians, students of medical, dental faculties and faculty of training of foreign citizens. Valentina Ivanovna was repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, regional and city executive committees, VSMU, was awarded with the Honorary Badge of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus "Excellent worker of health care".

Prof. V.I. Novikova has published more than 300 scientific and scientific-pedagogical works, including monographs, manuals, textbooks and teaching aids, 5 patents for invention. She took an active part in scientific, scientific and methodological conferences held in Belarus, near and far abroad countries.

She was a member of the Academic Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations on allergology and immunology (Vitebsk). The sphere of scientific interests of Professor Novikova V.I. included pediatrics, allergology and immunology.

For many years Valentina Ivanovna provided consultative assistance to doctors of Vitebsk and Mogilev regions. She was a doctor of the highest qualification category in pediatrics.

Valentina Ivanovna will always be an example of boundless devotion to her profession, mercy and wisdom. She possessed irrepressible life energy, high mental and ethical qualities.

A wonderful Doctor, a great scientist, a wise teacher, a person with a big heart and a wide soul. The death of Prof. V.I. Novikova is an irreplaceable loss for the medical community of Belarus.

The Rector of the University Alexey Chukanov, staff and students of VSMU deeply grieve in connection with the death of Valentina Ivanovna and express their condolences to her relatives and friends. The bright memory of her will remain in our hearts forever.