A series of online lectures within the framework of cooperation between VSMU and Orenburg State Medical University

cikl lekciy 01On May 17, 2024, the last of the series of online lectures on pediatrics, planned for the spring semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, took place as part of cooperation between Vitebsk State Medical University and Orenburg State Medical University.

The students of the 4-6 years of the Faculty of Medicine and FOST had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on current issues in pediatric cardiology. The Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Orenburgg State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Evstifeeva Galina Yuryevna gave a lecture “Causes of heart failure in newborns and young children. Early diagnosis, provision of emergency care at the prehospital stage.”

When presenting the material Galina Yuryevna paid attention to the analysis of clinical cases of cardiac and non-cardiac causes of circulatory failure in children. Professor Evtifeeva’s lecture was listened to with great interest by our students and staff of the departments of pediatrics at VSMU.

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