Dialogue platform

dialog_plosh 01On May 21, 2024, a dialogue platform was held with the participation of the Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision of the Execution of Legislation in the Prosecutor's Office of the Vitebsk Region, Senior Adviser of Justice I.V. Metelitsa with the 3rd year students (1st stream) of the Faculty of Medicine. Igor Vladimirovich briefed those present on the progress of the investigation into the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

He said that numerous, previously unknown facts of mass extermination of the civilian population of Belarus by Nazi criminals were being established. Thus, one of the places of mass extermination of civilians, which is located on the territory of the Logoisk district of the Minsk region, was inspected. The picture revealed there is terrifying in the inhumanity of the atrocities. During the inspection, the remains of more than 1 thousand people, their personal belongings (combs, belt buckles, buttons, parts of shoes, etc.), as well as bullets and cartridges, were discovered. According to experts, the age of the victims ranges from 4 to 70 years. Based on the nature of the wounds, it can be argued that at the time of the execution, some of the people were laid face down, while others were forced to their knees and killed with a shot to the back of the head. Even experienced prosecutors and investigators were deeply impressed by the sight of the remains of mothers clutching their babies to their breasts. The investigation into the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War is a tribute to the memory of those killed and contributes to the establishment and preservation of historical justice.

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