VSMU at the XXIII Republican Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation

23_konf 01On May 24, 2024, the annual XXIII Republican scientific and practical conference with the international participation for young specialists “Modern achievements of neurology and neurosurgery” was held in the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park “Great Stone” near Minsk.

The conference was attended by the employees of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of VSMU, young neurologists of the Vitebsk region and students - active members of the VSMU SSS.

In the educational part of the program, the presentations were made by the head of the department of neurology and neurosurgery Yu.V. Alekseenko and the Professor K.M. Kubrakov. In the poster presentation section the scientific reports of the 5th year student of the Faculty of Medicine Yu.V. Sobolevskaya (supervisors - associate professors N.N. Belyavsky, Yu.V. Alekseenko) and the 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine P.N. Rakhcheeva and A.A. Storozhenkova (supervisor – associate professor A.A. Solkin) aroused great interest among listeners.

First place in the competition of poster presentations for young scientists this year was awarded to the work of the 5th year students of the Faculty of Medicine E.S. Kharitonovich and M.N. Meleshcheva (supervisors: senior lecturer I.A. Sapego and associate professor K.S. Vykhristenko).

VSMU researchers annually win prizes at the largest neurological forum, which under the leadership of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Neurology and Neurosurgery is usually held in May in different cities of our country. This time the conference brought together more than 180 participants.

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