Christmas Volleyball Tournament among Healthcare Institutions of the Vitebsk Region for the Prizes of the Rector of VSMU

rojdeast turnir 01On December 20, 2024, Vitebsk State Medical University hosted the Christmas Volleyball Tournament among healthcare institutions of the Vitebsk Region for the prizes of the Rector of VSMU.

The tournament was officially opened by the Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers Vladimir Plytkevich and the Vice-Rector for Ideological and Educational Work Dmitry Kuzhel.

As a result of an uncompromising sports struggle the places on the podium were distributed as follows:

among the women's teams, the 1st place was taken by the VSMU team, the second place by the combined team of the Vitebsk Healthcare Institution, and the third place by the Orsha Central Polyclinic Healthcare Institution;

among the men's teams, the 1st place was taken by the Lepel Central District Hospital team, the second place by the combined team of the Vitebsk Healthcare Institution, and the third place by the VSMU team.

Based on the results of the games, the main panel of judges determined the best players of the tournament. They are: Plavinskaya Milana (best forward player of the women's tournament); Dubina Natalia (best player of the women's tournament); Kukhtenkov Alexander (best forward player of the men's tournament); Stalmachenok Sergey (best player of the men's tournament).

Congratulations to our girls and all the winners of the tournament! Until next time at the sports arenas!

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