The State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan have announced a competition of joint Belarusian-Uzbek scientific and technical projects for 2025-2026 in the following areas:
- digital information and communication and interdisciplinary technologies;
- energy and energy saving;
- medicine and medical technologies;
- pharmaceuticals and pharmacology;
- nano- and biotechnology;
- chemical technology;
- new materials;
- digital economy;
- food security;
- agro-industrial technologies;
- rational use of natural resources;
- water resources management technologies;
- mining technologies;
- laser technology and photonics.
Applications for the competition will be accepted from December 15, 2024 to February 15, 2025 and must meet the requirements of the Regulation on international scientific and technical projects carried out within the framework of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 13, 2003 No. 1065.
To participate in the competition, it is necessary to fill out the forms established by the organizers and send them electronically with a cover letter from the state customer of the project to the State Committee on Science and Technology through the IAS "Expertise" (set of forms).
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus invites you to submit to the Science Department no later than 10.02.2025
applications for the competition (if any) completed in accordance with the established procedure/
The application must contain:
a business plan prepared in accordance with the established procedure (for projects aimed at creating and/or mastering new technologies and/or types of products (works, services);
written commitments of the state customer and/or other interested parties regarding the practical use of the research and development results obtained during the implementation of the project (for applied projects);
written commitments of the state customer and/or other interested parties regarding shared participation in financing the project costs in the amount of at least 50 percent of the total funds planned for these purposes (for projects within which it is planned to carry out experimental design and experimental technological work);
a copy of the cooperation agreement with a foreign partner organization;
a departmental examination report.
Contact person in the State Committee on Science and Technology: the Deputy Head of the Department of International Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy Sergey Vladimirovich Sinyukovich, tel. +375 17 379 92 73, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..