On 15 March 2022, the Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus, our university hosted the opening of an exhibition of photographs “Above the City” by Anton Viktorovich Rednenko, assistant of the Department of Infectious Diseases with the course of FAT and SR. This event was attended by the academic staff and students of VSMU, guests, parents of the author of photos. The photographs were taken through aerial photography. The exhibition was also attended by Arthur Levin, the head of the photography company.
Anton Viktorovich speaks:
- Drones have revolutionized the photography procedure. Opportunities have appeared to shoot from unique angles that were previously inaccessible, or were carried out from aircraft in the 70-80s of the 20th century. Amazing views from the bird's eye are observed. My photographs show the city of Vitebsk as it is: with sights, cultural monuments, ancient streets, memorials and museums, temples and monasteries. The medical university is clearly visible, the history of which is inextricably linked with the history of the city.
The exhibition did not leave indifferent all the visitors.
Yana Chernyak, 5th - year student of the Faculty of General Medicine:
- Magical exhibition. It leaves a feeling of already such a native city, where my student years pass. Remembering my impressions of the rest and walks in Vitebsk, I want to peer into every photo. How accurately the photographs convey the mood of the city! I wish more projects like this would appear! Thanks to the author!
Sidorovich Alexey, 2nd- year student of the Faculty of General Medicine:
I have been taking photographs since my school years. But a photo from above is a very good idea. Thank you for the magnificent exhibition, for the love for your native city, for the Motherland, for your great talent! Your photos can be admied endlessly.
During the exhibition, the winners of the Republican competition of excursion and local lore presentations "Motherland’s dear corner" were awarded. Ist degree diplomas in the nomination "Excursion route" for a non-standard approach to the disclosure of the topic were awarded students Kirill Kubrakov and Ekaterina Savanchuk for the work "Nepokoychitsky Evgeny Osipovich - a landmark personality in development of healthcare in Vitebsk and the Vitebsk region."
Congratulations to everyone on the national holiday - Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus!