Chair of medical and biological physics

The chair was created in 1934. Currently, the chair is located on the 4th floor of the laboratory-theoretical building of VSMU. The chair operates in the following composition: Head of the chair, Associate Professor Golenova I. A.; associate professors: Ivanova S.V., Zhidkevich V.I., Hamchukov U.D., Kozlov A.I.; senior teachers: Tsurganov A. G., Makeenko G. I.; teachers: Ivanova A. G., Grigorovich A. L.; laboratory assistants: Zuev N. E., Lasitsa A. G., Artamonova M.V. The following disciplines are taught at the chair: Medical and Biological Physics at General Medicine Faculty (in Russian and English for foreign students); Medical and Biological Physics at Stomatological Faculty (in Russian and English for foreign students); Biomedical Physics and Biomedical Statistics at Pharmaceutical Faculty (in Russian and English for foreign students; full-time and part-time courses); Medical and Biological Physics and Biomedical Statistics at Pediatric Faculty; Fundamentals of Energy Saving at General Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Stomatological and Pediatric Faculties; Physics at the preparatory department of the Faculty of Overseas Students Training.

Employees of the chair have published various textbooks: “Lecture Course on Medical and Biological Physics” by Baranov A.P. and Klimenok M.F.; “Lecture Course on Medical and Biological Physics” for students of Stomatological Faculty by Markovich V.L.; “Medical and Biological Physics”, a complex textbook for students of General Medicine Faculty; “Physical Workshop” by Baranov A.P. and others for students of General Medicine, Stomatological and Pharmaceutical Faculties; electronic textbook “Medical and Biological Physics” by Baranov A. P. and Klimenok M. F.; “Higher Mathematics” by Lobotskaya N. L., Morozov U.V. and Dunaev A. A.; “Fundamentals of Energy Conservation” by Markovich V.L. and Zhidkevich V.I.; “Higher mathematics: Manual for Students of Pharmaceutical Faculties” by Golenova I.A. and Orekhova I.A.; “Fundamentals of Medical Statistics with Elements of Higher Mathematics: Manual” by Golenova I. A.; “Fundamentals of Mathematics: Guide for Overseas Students of Pre-University Training of Medical Educational Establishments” by Ivanova S. V. and Garanicheva S. L.; “Biological Physics” for English-Speaking Students in Pharmacy by A.I. Kozlov; “Laboratory Practicals on Medical and Biological Physics” in English by Tsurganov A. G.; “Medical and Biological Physics. Course of Lectures” in English by Tsurganov A.G.; and others.

In addition to educational activities, scientific work is carried out. There are 5 candidates of sciences working at the chair. Pedagogy of higher medical education is one of the important areas of the chair work.