The international cooperation. Students from Russian universities at the scientific and educational center of VSMU

samara 04July 11, 2024, a teacher at Samara State Medical University and the students of medical faculties of Russian partner universities of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Samara State Medical University, Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Kirov State Medical University, Medical Institute of Pskov State University, who are undergoing internship at VSMU under the academic mobility program, visited the Scientific and Educational Center “Center for Molecular Genetic and Biotechnological Research”.

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The international cooperation. Meeting with representatives of the trade union activists of healthcare workers in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan 01On July 9, 2024, a meeting was held between the leadership of VSMU, represented by the Rector of the University Alexey Chukanov, the Vice-Rector for international relations and organizational and legal work Denis Lits, the Head of the department of international relations and relations Elena Sharykhina with the representatives of the trade union activists of healthcare workers in the Bukhara region (Uzbekistan) - Khodiev Ibrokhim , Choriev Khamro, Dzhumaeva Gulshirin, Dzhumaev Mukhtor.  The meeting was also attended by the Chairman of the Vitebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers Vladimir Plytkevich, and the Chairman of the trade union of VSMU employees Alexander Myasoedov.

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International cooperation. Meeting of students of Samara State Medical University and St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University with Vice-Rector of VSMU

SPHFU 01On July 5, 2024, a meeting was held between the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Organizational and Legal Work Denis Lits and the students of the pharmaceutical faculties of Samara State Medical University and St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, who were doing their internship at VSMU.

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Results of the Internet festival "Romance of Star Roads"

star roads 01From April to June 2024, the open Internet festival of children's and youth creativity "Romance of Star Roads" was held, timed to coincide with Cosmonautics Day and International Space Day.

952 applications from the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation were submitted to the festival.

In the category “I draw space. Drawing" was awarded 2nd degree diploma to Mikhail Chizhevsky, the 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine; III degree diploma – Oksana Volkova, the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics.


Read more: Results of the Internet festival "Romance of Star Roads"