VSMU administration focuses on internship training

podgot intern 01On August 8-9, 2024, the administration of Vitebsk State Medical University, headed by the Rector of the University Alexey Chukanov, visited healthcare institutions in Brest, which are internship bases for VSMU graduates: Brest Regional Clinical Hospital, Brest Central City Hospital, Brest City Polyclinic No. 6, Brest Central Polyclinic, Brest Regional Maternity Hospital, Brest City Emergency Hospital, Brest Dental Polyclinic, Brest Central District Pharmacy No. 2.

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Practice of VSMU students at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

praktika RNIMU 01As part of the academic mobility program, the 4th and the 5th year students of VSMU General Medicine Faculty received a unique opportunity to undergo practical internship at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russian Federation). As part of the inter-university cooperation agreement, our students were at Moscow clinical sites from July 8 to 19.

The practice program was very intense. Thus, the 4th year students of General Medicine Faculty were assigned to the Diagnostic Clinical Center No. 1, where they were able to fully familiarize themselves with the organization of Moscow outpatient clinic. On the very first day, they familiarized themselves with the structure of the outpatient clinic, and then the future doctors were involved in working with general practitioners, specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

Read more: Practice of VSMU students at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University