Legal education of first-year students

Правовое просвещение первокурсниковOn September 13, 2024, as part of the plan of events for information and legal education of first-year students "Freshman's Month", a dialogue platform with the first-year students of the pediatric faculty was held with the participation of the dean of the pediatric faculty Ryabova T.M., the deputy head of the department for supervision of compliance with legislation in the troops of the prosecutor's office of the Vitebsk region, the senior adviser of justice Metelitsa I.V.

Igor Vladimirovich acquainted those present with the progress of the investigation of the criminal case on the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

Read more: Legal education of first-year students

VSMU students are participants of the International Festival of Choreographic Art "Sozhski Karagod"

VSMU students are participants of the International Festival of Choreographic Art 'Sozhski Karagod'On September 13-15, 2024, the XI International Festival of Choreographic Art "Sozhski Karagod" was held in Gomel, in which the VSMU students from Sri Lanka also took part as part of the dance group "Mixfeeds".

The students demonstrated bright dance numbers at the opening ceremony of the creative forum, in the competition program in the nomination of folk-stage dance, and also performed their national dance on the large open stage of the city.

The students demonstrated bright dance numbers at the opening ceremony of the creative forum, in the competition program in the nomination of folk-stage dance, and also performed their national dance on the large open stage of the city.

Read more: VSMU students are participants of the International Festival of Choreographic Art "Sozhski Karagod"

Sports and patriotic event dedicated to the National Unity Day

sport patriot 01On September 11, 2024, a sports and patriotic event dedicated to the National Unity Day was held for our students at the VSMU stadium.

This date is a symbol of the restoration of historical justice in relation to the Belarusian people. The current and future generations of Belarusians are obliged to know and worthily preserve the memory of the long-term heroic struggle of our people for their national dignity, for the right to be a respected nation.

Read more: Sports and patriotic event dedicated to the National Unity Day

Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of VSMU

zasedanie nts 01On September 10, 2024, a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council was held, at which the candidates were nominated for the participation in the open republican competition for the appointment of scholarships of the President of the Republic of Belarus for postgraduate students for 2025, scientific projects were reviewed and recommended for participation in the competition for BRFFR grants, and the changes in the composition of the dissertation defense council were approved.

Read more: Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of VSMU