VSMU students are among the winners of the All-Russian presentation competition

konkurs prezentYaroslavl State Technical University summed up the results of the I All-Russian presentation competition (with international participation) in foreign languages ​​“Professionals are the future of the country. My specialty”, which took place within the framework of the decade of science and technology.

More than 100 students from 23 universities in Russia, the Republic of Belarus and other countries took part in the competition.

Read more: VSMU students are among the winners of the All-Russian presentation competition

Let's not forget about VSMU veterans

veterany VGMU 01The activities have begun to improve the territory of houses in which VSMU veterans, juvenile prisoners, and children of war live.

The activists of the Veterans' Organization of VSMU and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union together with volunteers of the "Kind Heart" detachment cleaned up and landscaped the territory of the house where the VSMU veteran, highly qualified orthopedic traumatologist, Professor Mikhail Nikolsky lives.

Read more: Let's not forget about VSMU veterans

IX regional patriotic action “Breakthrough of Victory”

proryv pobedy 01On May 1, 2024, the VSMU students and staff took part in the IX regional patriotic action “Breakthrough of Victory,” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the enemy blockade by partisans of the Polotsk-Lepel zone in the Ushachi region during the Great Patriotic War.

On the territory of the Breakthrough Memorial Complex, a ceremonial meeting, thematic venues, a soldier’s kitchen, a concert and fireworks display were organized, and it was also possible to watch a battle reconstruction.

Read more: IX regional patriotic action “Breakthrough of Victory”

VSMU on the Republican Board of Honor

doska pocheta 01On April 30, 2024, on the eve of Labor Day, the opening of the updated Republican Board of Honor took place, on which, following the results of the competition, Vitebsk State Medical University was listed as the winner of the competition for achieving the best results among educational establishments in 2023.

The delegation of VSMU, headed by the rector of the university Alexey Chukanov, took part in the opening ceremony of the updated Republican Board of Honor.

Read more: VSMU on the Republican Board of Honor