Dialogue platform “Investigation of the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people: restoration of historical justice”

rasled genoc 01On April 24, 2024, VSMU hosted a dialogue platform with the 1st year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, dedicated to the topic of genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

The speaker of the event was the assistant prosecutor of the city of Vitebsk Vladimir Aleksandrovich Poluyanchik.

Read more: Dialogue platform “Investigation of the criminal case of the genocide of the Belarusian people:...

VSMU is included in the Republican Honor Board

VGMU doska pochetaOn April 24, 2024, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed decree No. 174 “On adding the winners of the competition for 2023 to the Republican Board of Honor.”

The decree identified 64 winners from among the regions and organizations that were awarded inclusion on the Republican Board of Honor for achieving high results in the field of socio-economic development based on the results of work for 2023.

Vitebsk State Medical University is among the winners!

Read more: VSMU is included in the Republican Honor Board

Cooperation with China

sotrudn KNR 01On April 24, 2024, a video conference was held between VSMU and the Directorate of the Changchun Institute of International Commerce. The working meeting was attended by the Vice-Rector for International Relations and Organizational and Legal Work Lits Denis, the Head of the Department of International and Interregional Relations Elena Sharykhina, the Head of the International Relations Department Anna Pchelintseva. The negotiations were held on establishing partnerships between the universities, as well as on the creation of joint educational programs in medical specialties. An agreement was reached to sign a cooperation agreement with a Chinese university.

Read more: Cooperation with China