
Gusakova EA

On the eve of Teacher's Day, the Dean of the Faculty of Pre-University Training of VSMU, Elena Anatolyevna Gusakova, was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Vitebsk for conscientious and fruitful work in the state health care system, high professionalism, and great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.


The staff and students.


Congress of the European-African Association of Heratopancreatobiliary Surgeons

congress surgery 1

From 2 to 5 June 2019, the Congress of the European-African Association of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgeons was held in Amsterdam (the Netherlands).

Rector, professor A.T. Shchastniy, assistant professor of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining Y.N. Orlovsky and M.I. Kugaev were present from university and made poster reports. Additionally, controversial issues and innovations in liver and pancreas gland surgery were considered at the conference, new technologies and equipment for minimally invasive interferences and visualization were presented.

For the university, the obtained exchange of experience will allow to introduce and improve the diagnosis and treatment of liver and pancreas glad pathologies, as well as to introduce new technologies in the educational process of the Department of Surgery.

Read more: Congress of the European-African Association of Heratopancreatobiliary Surgeons

Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus

Sovet res 1On July 11, 2017, the delegation of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus headed by the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of Belarus on International Affairs and National Security Rakhmanov Sergey Kimovich and the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus on Legislation and State Building Bodak Alla Nikolaevna visited VSMU. High guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the arrangement of VSMU, its material and technical facilities, to see practical classes of students and the anatomical museum. Within the framework of the visit, the meeting of the delegation with the administration of VSMU was held to discuss issues related to new promising areas in the field of education and science.

Read more: Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus

Courtesy visit of the Ambassador of India, Mr. Pankaj Saxena at VSMU

IMG 5713On February 9, 2017, within the frames of the reference visit to the Vitebsk region, the Ambassador of India to the Republic of Belarus, Mr. Pankaj Saxena paid a courtesy visit to Vitebsk State Medical University. The rector of VSMU, prof. A.T. Shchastny, vice-rector for International Affairs and Work with foreign citizens Ph.D. M.M. Savchuk, vice-rector of Ideological Affairs O.A. Syrodoeva, and the Head of International Department Ph.D. O.V. Matyushchenko took part in the meeting with the Ambassador.

Read more: Courtesy visit of the Ambassador of India, Mr. Pankaj Saxena at VSMU

Customs duties paid when getting parcels in Belarus

The new norm of free receipt of parcels at the post-offices of the Republic of Belarus is working starting from the 14th of April, 2016. One person is allowed to get the property costing not more than 22 Euros and weighing up to 10 kilograms without payment. Parcels breaking the established limit are also allowed, but the exceeding amount is liable to customs duties and the payment of the fixed customs duties is also compulsory in this case.

These limitations are fixed in the Order of the President of the Republic of Belarus № 40 dated 11.02.2016.

Read more: Customs duties paid when getting parcels in Belarus

Dear our women! Dear mothers!

photo for mum

Please accept my sincere congratulations on a wonderful and touching holiday – Mother's Day. For every person there is no one in the world closer and dearer than the woman who gave them life. Mother is the embodiment of boundless love, all-consuming tenderness and relentless care. The warmth of mother's love makes us stronger, helps us to overcome life's hardships and believe in ourselves. Motherhood is great happiness, great responsibility and tireless work. 

Dear mothers! Thank you for your sincere generosity and patience. Let the daily care of your loved ones always surround you. Let your children delight you with success, warmth and attention. I sincerely wish you all good health, family well-being, love, tenderness, peace and kindness!

Rector of the university, A.T. Shchastniy

Dear VSMU students and their parents!

In order to obtain official information about the situation in the Republic of Belarus, we would li­ke you to use the of­ficial information resources.

Such as:
Belarusian Telegraph Agency "BELTA", av­ailable at
The international satellite TV channel of the Republic of Belarus "BELARUS 24" available at

Rectorate of the Un­iversity

Delegation of Belgorod State National Research University visits VSMU

belgorod in vsmu 11On 18 July 2018, the delegation of the Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelSU") headed by Polukhin O.N. – the rector of the National Research University “BelSU”, and its representatives - Kulikovsky V.F. - Director of the Medical Institute of NRU “BelSU” and Belousov N.I. - Deputy Director of the Medical Institute of NRU "BelSU" visited VSMU.

Read more: Delegation of Belgorod State National Research University visits VSMU

Delegation of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia members visited VSMU

Mezhprav del 1On July 13, 2017, during the XXVI International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" within the framework of events dedicated to the unification of Russia and Belarus, VSMU was visited by the delegation of members of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia. During this visit, the rector of VSMU, Professor A.T. Shchastny showed the guests the material and technical facilities of the university, and told about the main directions and prospects of interuniversity cooperation. Guests visited the anatomical museum, electronic library, practical classes for of 1-4-year students. Issues of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries were discussed on the level of implementation of interuniversity agreements.

Read more: Delegation of the Commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia...