Congratulations on the Teacher’s Day from the University Rector

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Dear teachers of Vitebsk State Medical University!

I congratulate you on your holiday, which is filled with kindness and wisdom, patience and creativity - Teacher's Day!

On this day, we celebrate the creativity and dedication of VSMU teachers who inspire our students to achieve high results in educational, scientific and social activities.

May new horizons of professional skills open up for each of you and may the most ambitious tasks in the field of national science and education be realized!

Dear Colleagues! I sincerely wish that thanks to the knowledge acquired at the university VSMU students will be able to achieve success and benefit our country!

Congratulations to students granted a reduction in tuition fees in 2020-2021 academic year for excellent studies, active participation in research work, and the public life of the university

On behalf of VSMU administration, we congratulate the students who have been granted a reduction in tuition fees in 2020-2021 academic year for their excellent studies, active participation in research work, and the public life of the university:

Read more: Congratulations to students granted a reduction in tuition fees in 2020-2021 academic year for...

Congratulations to the graduates of VSMU-2024 from the Rector of the University

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Dear VSMU graduates of 2024!

Congratulations on your successful graduation from our university. You are starting your own path into a profession - the most beautiful and noble of all. I am confident that the knowledge and skills acquired over the years of study will help you cope with any professional challenges.

The teachers who taught you everything they know and can do themselves - are proud of you today. Don’t forget them and remember that a doctor learns throughout his life!

Set great goals for yourself, do not be afraid of difficult tasks and may good luck accompany you in everything. I am confident that wherever you work, you will worthily bear the title of graduate of Vitebsk State Medical University.

Good luck, dear graduates!

University Rector A.N. Chukanov

Congratulations to the graduates!

125423263 buketThe meeting of the State Certification Commission for the certification of persons who completed the development of post-graduate educational programs on October, 21

7 Graduates successfully complete the postgraduate studies in 2016. By the decision of the State Certification Commission a scientific qualification "Explorer" in the medical science branch has been assigned to:

Read more: Congratulations to the graduates!

Congratulations To the Postgraduate Students of VSMU

Благодарственное письмоIn April 26-27, 2018 the postgraduate students of VSMU T.G. Yupatova, I.N. Shchurok, E.V. Sidorenko took part in the VI All-Russian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation "Actual Problems of Science of the XXI Century."

Diplomas of the 1st degree were awarded to:

Tatyana Gennadievna Yupatova, a postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology for the scientific work "Influence of the Water Extract of Tobacco Cigarettes on Myeloperoxidase Release by Leukocytes and Cytokine Expression in Smokers with COPD"

Irina Nikolaevna Shchurok, a part-time postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, for her scientific work "Provocative Nasal Test with Determination of Myeloperoxidase Activity in Nasal Lavage in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis".

Read more: Congratulations To the Postgraduate Students of VSMU

Congratulations to the winners of Travel-grant of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) - Irina Shchurok and Natalia Alyakhnovich!

grant 1The staff of our university became the Travel-grant winners of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) and were given the opportunity to deliver report on results of research at the International Scientific Conference (WISC) of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) in Florence, Italy (December 6-9, 2018).

902 delegates from all over the world took part in this conference, 219 of them made oral presentations and 234 with poster presentations. 69 parallel and 10 plenary symposia were held, 17 lectures and 4 courses for young scientists were attended during the work of the conference.

Read more: Congratulations to the winners of Travel-grant of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) - Irina...

Congratulations to VSMU team to with 1st place in the Republican Olympiad in "Pediatrics"

roses flowers bouquetOur congratulations to VSMU team for taking 1st place at the Republican Olympiad in "Pediatrics" among students studying at higher medical institutions in specialty 1-79 01 01 "General Medicine".

Dean’s Offices of General Medicine Faculty and Overseas Students Training Faculty

On April 5-6, 2018, the Republican Olympiad on the academic discipline "Pediatrics" was held on the basis of "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University" among students of higher medical educational establishments in specialty 1-79 01 01 "General Medicine" and 1-79 01 02 "Pediatrics", where VSMU team was the best.

Read more: Congratulations to VSMU team to with 1st place in the Republican Olympiad in "Pediatrics"


1769783800 666x666Order of the President of the Republic of Belarus №210 on December 19, 2016 President of the Republic of Belarus scholarships was appointed to talented young scientists of the educational establishment "Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University" for 2017

Gusakova Elena Anatolievna, assistant professor of general chemistry and fizkolloid chemistry, candidate of biological sciences.

Rector, graduate and doctoral department congratulates young scientists with the appointment of the Presidential Scholarship and wished further success.