Scientific and educational school “Hereditary information and ways of its implementation. Hereditary diseases, basic diagnostic methods" at VSMU

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On January 29, 2024, a scientific and educational school for students with international participation began its work at VSMU: “Hereditary information and ways of its implementation. Hereditary diseases, basic diagnostic methods." Its audience included students from medical universities of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The Vice-Rector for Research Elena Asiryan and the Head of the Scientific and Educational Center of VSMU Ekaterina Pashinskaya addressed the guests with welcoming remarks.

Read more: Scientific and educational school “Hereditary information and ways of its implementation....

Scientific Society. Leibniz on granting scholarships for candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences and scientists

eegaYour Excellency, On behalf of Leibniz ScienceCampus "Eastern Europe - Global Area" (EEGA) I apply to you with some brief information about the Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA, its orientation, and scholarship grants.

The ScienceCampus EEGA, established in 2016 under the direction of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), develops new research perspectives on Eastern Europe in its global relations. The special feature of the campus lies in the interregional cooperation of various universities and research institutions. The objectives of EEGA are to break up regional container thinking and the often one-sided information on Eastern Europe in order to offer a multi-perspective access to this world region. With the support of postdocs and the integration of a master's programme, as well as exchange with journalists, EEGA wants to convey this paradigm not only to a new generation of international researchers, but also to a German media landscape (see also

Read more: Scientific Society. Leibniz on granting scholarships for candidates of sciences, doctors of...

See you next autumn, festival!

previewAccording to the good old festival tradition, the VSMU audience hall was full: students, academic staff, university administration and invited guests gathered there. The festival week is coming to an end, which was full of beauty and charm, music and fun, expectations and excitements. We all were waiting for winners of contests and competitions to be announced, and it finally happened ...

Read more: See you next autumn, festival!

Seminar on the topic “Requirement and application of the provisions of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus of March 11, 2004. No.1"

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On February 1, 2024, a seminar was held at VSMU on the topic: “Requirement and application of the provisions of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus of March 11, 2004. No. 1." The event was attended by the head of the department for the Vitebsk region of the Center for Occupational Health and Industrial Safety of the NIHE Sergei Chernobabin. During the seminar, issues of public safety were considered to solve specific practical problems in the field of labor protection and the formation of law-abiding behavior, a healthy lifestyle, and skills to ensure the personal and property safety of university employees. At the end of the seminar, participants asked questions that interested them and received detailed answers.

Single information day “The Year of Quality is the key to the success of the country’s social and economic development”

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A single information day “The Year of Quality is the key to the success of the country’s social and economic development” was held at VSMU.

Informational conversations on the topic were held with VSMU students living in dormitory No. 5, as well as with students of the advanced training cycle and staff of the Chair of Phthisiopulmonology of VSMU. The speakers were Dean of Stomatological Faculty Ivan Karpuk, Deputy Dean of General Medicine Faculty Yaroslav Perevalov, Head of the Chair of Phthisiopulmonology Alexander Budritsky.

Read more: Single information day “The Year of Quality is the key to the success of the country’s social and...

Solemn ceremony of raising the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders

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On July 2, 2024, a solemn ceremony of raising the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus was held at Vitebsk State Medical University, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.

The event was attended by the members of the rector's office, faculty, staff and students of the university.

The VSMU Rector Alexey Nikolaevich Chukanov addressed those present with a welcoming speech.

The honorary right to raise the National Flag of the Republic of Belarus was granted to the laureates of special funds of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted pupils and students, for the support of talented youth Fomichev Nazar, a 1st year student of the Faculty of Medicine and Dzhanoyan Alena, a 1st year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics; an excellent student undergoing final practice in the reserve officer training program Amirov Orkhan, a 4th year student at the Faculty of Medicine.

Read more: Solemn ceremony of raising the State Flag of the Republic of Belarus, dedicated to the 80th...