Excursion to Braslav Region

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On June 4, students of VSMU, including students of Faculty of Overseas Students Training, again went on an excursion. This time - to Braslav Region.

The excursion started with a visit to Church of the Corpus Christi in the village of Ikazn and Church of Devine Providence in Slobodka – architectural monuments of the early 20th century.

Then the students visited the Braslav Lakes, one of the main tourist attraction of the country. There are about 300 of them. The lakes God's eye, Nespish, Nedrovo, Slobodkovsky Esker Ridge, Devil's Pit are a part of Braslav Lakes National Park.

Read more: Excursion to Braslav Region

VSMU hosted a conference "Online exchange of traditional medicine traditions between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus" with representatives of Guizhou University (PRC)

conf knr rb 03From May 16 to May 20, 2022, representatives of General Medicine and Pharmaceutical Faculties, students of VSMU, reflexologists from Vitebsk took part in the international online conference "Online exchange of traditional medicine traditions between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus" with representatives of Guizhou University (PRC).

Read more: VSMU hosted a conference "Online exchange of traditional medicine traditions between the People's...

"Farewell" - a party with graduates of FOST 2022

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On 15 May the annual event - a farewell party with graduates - was held at 's restaurant "У Ганны". This year it was called "Hasta La Vista".

Traditionally, this celebration is organised for the graduates ("Cavaliers" team) by the 4th year students ("Genesis" team) of the Sri Lankan Union VSMU. It was attended by deputy dean of the faculty of overseas students training M.A.Senkovich and professor V.S.Glushanko, supervisor of Sri Lankan students.

Read more: "Farewell" - a party with graduates of FOST 2022

Badminton and swimming competitions

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8 teams took part in badminton competitions in the program of the Spartakiad among the teams of dormitories of institutions of secondary specialized and higher education in the Oktyabrsky district of Vitebsk.

The VSMU team consisting of Palihena Yeshani Udayana (5th year, Faculty of Overseas Students Training) and Minura Wijesena Ransika (4th year, Faculty of Overseas Students Training), took 1st place (coach – Getmonov Artyom Vladimirovich).

Read more: Badminton and swimming competitions